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Kemble Airfield day - Annual Transport Steam & Diesel Extravaganza
Hello Ken,
Thought I`d help you out here with a new subject for discussion... here goes .. this year some of us (very fortunate members) were kindly invited to Kemble Airfield by John "Sticky" Stickland. Those who attended had a thoroughly enjoyable day. Unfortunately, there was so much to see and do, that one day was not really enough.
There is ample accomodation for Caravans, Motor homes, Tents etc. nearby. I`m sure there are a few hostelries as well (complete with bars). How many would like to make the trip this year?
I`ll start the ball rolling with myself and Carole definitely attending. Oh, John .. what date will it be this year?
P.S... there are plenty of retail therapy opportunities, a variety of food outlets, a market, displays by all manner of things mechanical, (check out photos on "Skydrive" .. Kemble photo folder. Who knows we might even have our own "Bar-B-Q".
Nov. 23, 2009  (Edited Dec. 3, 2009)
Picture of Anthony Eccles
Anthony Eccles
Hi Bill, Jan and myself will be there as well, the dates are as the link below, 6th, 7th and 8th of August
Nov. 23, 2009  (Edited Nov. 23, 2009)
Picture of Anthony Eccles
Anthony Eccles
Just thought ,it may be a subject for Ken to discuss but its a bit far for a day out and a barbie
Nov. 23, 2009 
Hello Tony,
Caravans and Motor homes .. overnight accomodation .. etc, plus, we seem to have quite a few members who have "sheds on wheels".
I see it is to be another weekend session, then why go just for one day? If the weather, money,  and the beer hold out, I`ll be there for the whole weekend I suspect. (Carole will be well into retirement by then).
Nov. 23, 2009  (Edited Nov. 23, 2009)
Picture of Anthony Eccles
Anthony Eccles
Hi John, a question for you, I have been looking at the above website and it mentions 'Converted Engines' , does this mean they run on alternative fuel.
Nov. 23, 2009 
Picture of John Stickland
John Stickland
Hi all.
I am very flattered that you were impressed enough by our little show to want to come again.
Reckon its a cracking idea to make a week end of it with BBQ etc.
Regarding camping, you are quite correct of course there are several sites nearby, but if you are prepared to slum it a bit I could arrange for camping on the site, but I would need to know how many, roughly, would be likely to attend.
Of course there aint no such thing as a free meal ticket, so it would be very nice if you could all recipricate the favour by lending a hand for an hour or two on one of the days, this would then enable me to justrify free entry and free camping for the duration of the show. As you probably know there is a beer tent on the site, open till God knows what time, Friday night is generally disco (older stuff) and Saturday night is usually a live band. The fair also stays open late. As well as this BBQs pop up all over the place, usually people that are too idle, drunk or disinterested in the other entertainment. It is traditional for a few of the engines to trundle along to the Beer Tent and park up outside just to add to the atmosphere. 
Now then Anth, to try to clarify the situation. All the engines on site are coal fired wthout exception unless working a saw bench, sometimes then the owner will shove a few wood offcuts in the box to conserve their coal supply a bit. This does not apply to steam cars which mostly burn petrol or sometimes kerrosene, this year I'm told that there is likely to be a large contingent of steam cars.
Converted or convertable engines are of a type that were built as one thing and then converted to something else. Some rollers were actually built as convertables, that is, could be run as a roller or easily converted to a traction engine. Some traction engines were converted to road locomotives and even showman's locos. In the extreme some rollers were even converted to showman's tractors. Bit complicated I know, but I'm sure you are getting my drift.
As a complete side issue it is the club AGM in December and I have made it very clear that I intend to resign as Chair. but fully intend to continue as deputy rally manager and Newsletter editor. I don't have the time to carry out the duties of a Chairperson properly if I am still to carry out my other duties on the rally field. Trouble is the show and the duties have grown like Topsy.
Hey, I'm rambling on again, why didn't somebody stop me!
Have fun guys.
PS   Bet you wish you hadn't asked now!!!!!!!! 
Nov. 23, 2009  (Edited Nov. 23, 2009)
Picture of Anthony Eccles
Anthony Eccles
No I,m glad I did ask John,  I knew that some engines were converted to run on oil as I have seen a loco somewhere in Wales that was doing just that and it was strange to get the smell of hot oil and steam but without the smoke from coal furnace but I did,nt realise that it refered to all the other conversions to the traction wheels as well, thanks for the info.
Nov. 23, 2009 
Picture of Ken Eynon
Ken Eynon
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the new subject.  Assuming I am the Ken in question or is there another Ken?   Think you were a bit quick for Anth, took him two goes to link Ken and Barbie (BBQ).  Then again if you don't have daughters, Barbies are probably not on the agenda.   Don't own a Barbie myself but have a mate who has about 500 to sell on ebay. His mother was a collector and has recently passed on leaving him the Barbies and a thousand Jack Daniel collectables.
I would love to say that I could come to the 2010 Kemble Airfield Day, unfortunately if I come to England in 2010 it be from mid Sep and a bit late.  I remember being in WSM in Nov/Dec 1980 and the old steam tractors Christmas parade. Believe it goes all around Somerset at that time of the year.
Anyway whilst on the subject of 'steam'  and memories I suppose you all remember the model of 'Stephensons Rocket' that was on display at Green Park Station?  Wonder what happened to that??
Nov. 24, 2009 
Hello ken and all,
Yes, I got the right Ken ( Ithink), well, with old age comes the dreaded "senoir moments" to us all. In my exitement and usual rush to post messages on here I do get it wrong quite often. The attention span is now down to lifting up my head to check I have spelt something right..and then .. a few seconds later .. thinking "what was I going to say?"
Damn .. it`s happened again .. Shame about the rally for you Ken, but we`ll put aside an "absent comrade" chair, and raise our glasses to you. "Stevensons` Rocket", not something I can remember at Green Park .. but I`m sure others will. Not too many "barbies" to get rid of then ?
John, I personally never anticipated that you would provide such a generous offer of a pitch on the site. I would be more than willing to (as you quaintly put it, slum), to lend a hand, and make a monetary contribution as well. I`d be delighted to see you (and the good lady & family) again. Let`s hope we can "order up" some of that mediterranian sun for a change.
Oh, have heard that Stu is working on a portable "shed on wheels", I won`t spoil any more of his thunder, I`ll let him add the details on here.
Oh, if anyone has cash ISA accounts, just check how (little) much Interest you are (not) receiving. I`ve just improved my interest rates by 400% ... from the same bank (online) .. it pays to keep one eye open, hope it`s useful info to someone.
Regards from windy Somersetshire.
Nov. 24, 2009 
Picture of Rich Lanham
Rich Lanham
Hello, Are we talking about the penny in the slot Rocket at Green Park? I'll bet someone had that away before Sainsbugs got in there !! How about the machine that, for a penny, you could stamp your name on a strip of metal? Was it aluminium or am I being thick again ? Too many questions, I'm off.
Nov. 24, 2009 
Picture of Steve Coffin
Steve Coffin
Hi Ken
There was a model of Stephenson's Rocket and my money is on that it is now in Bill's garden!!!
Nov. 24, 2009 
Picture of Stuart Stickler
Stuart Stickler
Probably converted to run on solar power as well Steve, or a wind generator, as Bill would put it hahahah!!!
PS. Definately aluminium Rich, you could rarely get all your name on one strip and the letters were misaligned.
Nov. 24, 2009  (Edited Nov. 24, 2009)
Picture of John Stickland
John Stickland
Hi all.
First of all, one for Ken, 'cos I wouldnt want him to think that he has escaped the steam rally bug.
John Keedwell and better half, Mandy visited Aus at the beginning of this year and stayed with relatives. Guess what? They took 'em to a steam rally! It was the twelvth NHMA National Rally held at the Sturt Reserve, Muray Bridge, SA. I have in my hot little hand the program which was purchased for the princely sum of three dollars. Now then, I've no idea where Murray Bridge is, it could be on your doorstep or thousands of miles away, I know not. The 2009 event took place on the 3, 4 and 5th of April. The only other facts I have are that it was sponsored by The Old Machinery Magazine and New Holland Agriculture. Finally it does refer to a website which I have not checked yet, it is hope this is of some help.
Thanks for the encouraging reaction Bill, I will bear it in mind and nearer the time make all suitable arrangements. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in your campers. Anyone that does not have a camper should not feel excluded however, caravans or even tents are perfectly OK, we have a caravan!!!! Speaking of which really must get stuck in and organise solar panel for battery charging (Leisure battery). Have been looking at 10 watt unit that comes out about a foot square, best price I've seen so far being about seventy quid. I will admit that I'm tempted but hesitant because I know that if I buy it, the following day I shall see the same thing ten quid cheaper. Really must take the bull by the horns though!
Eh up, I'm rambling on again, what was that you said, Bill, about senior moments.
Finally, thank you Anth, I'm glad I didn't bore you too much!
Regards to all.
Nov. 24, 2009 
Picture of Ken Eynon
Ken Eynon

Hi All and thanks especially to Sticky,


I know Murray Bridge quite well although it is 1,000 kilometres from where I now live.   When I first arrived in Aust I lived in South Australia and in the Adelaide area.  Murray Bridge is 90k from Adelaide, it is South Australia's third biggest city and on the banks of the Murray River and a big farming community.   Plenty of paddle steamers around that way as well.   There is I think a permanent steam museum in the town.  The website is the government website for the town. If your mate paid three dollars for a programme he was probably rip off, they normally give them away for free.  Seriously, for communities outside of the major cities in Aust, they have to work very hard to put on events and attract visitors and therefore keep the prices low.  Government and council grant's plus sponsorship also helps if they can get same.   

I will be driving past that way in a few weeks, on the way to the in-laws, unfortunately I will have my wife, daughter and granddaughter in the car and in the heat they won't be keen to stop.  Likely to be over 30C and possibly as high as 40C at that time of year and we have had very hot weather lately, with our Nov averages up some 5 degrees.  We will have been on the road for 6-8 hours by then from Melbourne and made our last stop some 25k before Murray Bridge, which is not on the motorway.  Why are we driving and not flying, well that is another long story?


Nov. 25, 2009 
Hello all,
The Rocket is not in my pocket
The Rocket is not in my pocket
The Rocket is not in my pocket
The Rocket is not in my pocket
The Rocket is not in my pocket
The Rocket is not in my pocket .. right, that`s the lines over with.. Ha Ha
"Stampy out letters" . `kerching`.. `kerching` ..did we really waste our pocket money on those thin (very bendy) bits of metal ?, were you allowed to make swear words I wonder, or was it "unsupervised?". Was there one on Bath Spa Station as well? .. Questions..never ending eh?
If said "Rocket" was in the back garden, it would have took off last night!! .. the collection of solar panels and the wind turbine survived the gales (just), With odd gusts of 60+ the current shunts were working overtime. On this south facing hilltop it hit us pretty hard. The side of my summershouse and three fence posts and panels didn`t however.... at 01.40 a.m. the rain fell in sheets, could not see the end of the drive. About 2 hours before that I had rescued the panels and hammered some 6" nails and bits of 4x2 to what remained of the fence before it demolished my best blackberry bush trailers and water feature / bird bath etc. Carole didn`t hear a thing !! .. (until I came in cold and wet and woke her up) .. typical..  Hows the weather where you are? .. sunny here today, and surprsingly mild for Nov. 25th.
Nov. 25, 2009  (Edited Nov. 27, 2009)
Picture of david hough
david hough
Been in that steam museum in Adelaide, Ken. It's a good one, near Port Adelaide. Dunno why, but I was the only person inside the place (apart from staff) all the time I was there - and I spent quite some time browsing around. Also went up to the Cornish triangle at Moonta where they have a narrow guage railway round the old tin mine workings.
Nov. 25, 2009 
Well Bill sounds like a night of heroics!  I hope Mrs W was duely appreciative of your efforts.......they rarely are. It's strange how long it takes to build up marital brownie points and how quickly they can all be blown!
Hate to say it but its all blue skies & sun and mild here in Suffolk....alas I have the 2nd cold (or is it mild pigge phluu ) in 2 weeks so don't feel like enjoying the outdoors. Pathetic!!
Those metal labellers were certainly heavy weight things. I don't remember any censorship. I still ahve the label I made for my budgies cage "Josephine" was indeed aluminium. How many letters for how much? Must have been more tha 1d surely. Most of my work in thatr sphere was done whilst train spotting at Temple Meads.
Whilst on the subject of puffer trains, I know there are a few enthusiasts out there. I built a Farish layout for my ungrateful offspring 25 years ago. Still ahve it and the associated rolling stock & locos. Is there any market for thsi N guage stuff?
Wylltte & Parrotty
Nov. 25, 2009 
"The day that the trains came down  .. mother earth" ... and all that.. Try this link Chris .. have a big wallet handy though ..Ha Ha
Nov. 25, 2009  (Edited Nov. 25, 2009)
Picture of John Stickland
John Stickland
Hi all.
Thanks for the information on Murray Bridge, Ken, helps to put it all in perspective a bit!
There is indeed a steam museum there and I have some photos somewhere, when I can find them I shall post them on here for the benefit of anyone that may be interested. I see what you mean about it being an agricultural area, just noticed that the tractor section of the show comprised some 180 odd exhibits, a good turn out for steam also with 26 exhibits. Incidentally, one of which I noticed was a George Waller stationary steam plant, interesting because it was made here in Stroud where I live at The Phoenix Iron Works. The site still exists, but sadly as a trading estate these days. Interestingly Listers had a satellite factory on the same site back in the seventies, their main works of course being at Dursley, now sadly closed as well.
Now then about the aluminium strip printing machines, they often appeared on stations and represented lots of fun for young boys. As far as I can remember you were alowed so many letters for a penny and you could spell out anything you wished there being no way of sensoring this purely mechanical device, you just set the pointer on the letter and pressed down the handle! Never could get it quite right though.
I don't remember ever seeing a model of the Rocket on Bath Green Park although I'm not surprised that there was one. I do remember seeing a rather splendid model in a glass case at Bristol Temple Meads, put a penny in the slot and the wheels went round for a bit. I guess the at least some of these models might have been donated by British Rail to the various museums, but I don't recall ever seeing one, as you say, I suspect that some of them went AWOL as well.
Weather here just about the same, violent wind last night and sheeting down with rain, not a lot better tonight, although today has not been too bad in Oxfordshire, working at Standlake (JSP Plastics.). Their works engineer made a decoy pigeon, 'cos he goes shooting a bit. On Friday we put it on the top of one of their outside lamp standards, about fifteen feet high, whilst he was off site, just for a laugh! During the night the thing blew off causing damage to the beak so its been having plastic surgery today.
I reckon that Bill has to be hero of the day, I would not fancy repairing fences in the middle of the night in weather like that. Our house is on the side of a hill facing South also, fortunately we didn't suffer any damage, even the chicken houses were still upright this morning!
By the way Chris, don't know much about N gauge but Graham Farish is a well known quality producer so should sell OK. I think the web site probably says it all.
Regards to all and Parrotty
PS. I rather liked Jane Morgan as well Bill!
Nov. 26, 2009  (Edited Nov. 26, 2009)
Picture of Ken Eynon
Ken Eynon
David, nice to hear from you.  I recognise your name from somewhere. You are not the prefect who gave me a few Detentions?
Have not been to the Port Adelaide Steam M.   I have been up to Flinders Ranges and know of the narrow gauge railway called the Picchi Richi (I think I have spelt it correct) up that way.  It was that long ago, that my last visit in that area was when the Scot Andrew Cowan won the London to Sydney car race.  The roads around the Flinders Ranges were like carpet with all the dead bunnie on them.  When I was joined the navy, when travelling between Sydney and Melbourne (yeah by train on leave), one had to change trains at Albury/Wodonga on the NSW/Victoria State borders because the different State railways had different guages.  I think we are all the same now (Roman Chariot width between wheels, what is it 4 foot 8 inches?) with the exception of Queensland.
Bibi 4 Now - Ken
Nov. 26, 2009 
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