Bath Tec School

Dazed and Confused

6/21/2009 12:09:48 PM
Yes, the evening went very well John, she who must be humoured was well pleased, considering the ear destroying volume you probably heard in Stroud, the battering I recieved from being "down the front", and the bruising recieved from joining the fray to recover one of "Gods" discarded plectrumsConfused, yes I did get it, so Brownie points considerably enhanced for the foreseeable future, on top of that I managed to get some good photos and a video. Have to be honest it was a good gig though and I did enjoy it myselfOpen-mouthed, I've whinged before about how I feel the next day, but some things just have to be done.
Busy week this week, my cousin and her husband are coming for a visit, they've finally forgiven me for the "Bumper Dumper" e-mail Tony, another old friend from Bath arriving next weekend, although they're staying elsewhere, and we're off to Brixton Academy on Thursday, Oh! just remembered phone parking starts at work tomorrowSad, I'll be glad when October comes round and we can go on holidaySun, camel trekking in the Gobi desert should be light relief.
TTFN, work beckons  Stu


- 6/21/2009 9:41:57 PM
Hi Stu and all.
        Glad to hear the gig went well, Stu, and brownie points earned. My, you do have a busy social life! Brixton, is this the 'sunny' Brixton we all know and love, called sunny because all the locals have such a nice tan! Interesting about the phone parking, I wonder if the same applies when you are on hols and exactly what do they charge for parking a camel .
        Her indoors went to the Three Counties Show Saturday with daughter, good job too because it enabled us to get on with machine shifting undisturbed. Been mixing concrete today, so fairly knackered, and have to go to Biddulph near Stoke on Trent at six in the morning. Don't time fly when you are enjoying yourself!!!
      Sometime, when I have a little more time, I will elaborate upon our preferred entertainment and passtimes, that is at risk of boring the pants off everybody, but must go now.
                                      Bi for now.
- 6/22/2009 9:22:21 PM
Just been looking at the photos of France Stu, very impressed, is it you or the wife has a very good eye for taking all these landscapes.
- 6/22/2009 10:02:35 PM
The majority are mine Tony, although Shirl does take a pretty mean pic herself, except when she does it at a gig, she took about 200 on Saturday, I've told her you've got to keep still when taking photos not keep bouncing about, result 200 blurred "Arty" photos, thank God for digital cameras eh?
I'm gradually sorting all my pics out, scanning the old ones onto file as well, enough to bore everybody for years, and just wait till I get to the slides!