Bath Tec School

Yet another new boy

7/24/2009 9:12:29 PM
Hi Gem999,  Welcome .. an unusual name .. unfortunately other than you say that you left Bath Tech School in 1961, I have no other information to share with the rest of us st the moment as you have blocked all incoming communications in your profile on Windows Live. I don`t know if you realise that you have done this, maybe it`s accidental  .. this is the only way I have to alert you of this.


- 7/24/2009 9:27:34 PM
Hi Bill, seems a strange name, perhaps he/she will add some more to their profile and allow us to see who they really are, if not we may have to exclude them as it seems pointless to have members who do not wish to disclose their identities at least
- 7/25/2009 12:11:08 AM
Hi Gem999.
          I think perhaps we may have some memories in common as I left at approx the same time as yourself. This suggests that you had the experience of Weymouth House. I joined the school in 1957 so I guess that you were in the same year or one either side. Perhaps you could confirm if my name means anything to you.
                                                  Best regards.
                                                    John Stickland.