Bath Tec School

And yet another new boy

7/25/2009 8:43:34 PM
Hi David (aka no name) ,can you please fill in some detail on your profile and hopefully a photo to allow us to know who you are, as you can see from the membership list we already have two Davids and we have had such a large influx of members over the last few days that it is becoming confusing, hope you enjoy the site, you have your own storage called skydrive in which you can create folders which can be shared or private, the site also has its own skydrive and we hope you can add to this if possible.
Speak to you later Tony


- 7/25/2009 9:15:26 PM
I`m sorry Tony,
I can not enlighten you any further at the moment .. I have contacted a number of Davids today ..including the following ...David Alford ..David Cox ..David Ferrett .David Fielder . .David Finney ..David Flower ..David Hammond . .David Hawkins .. David Lowe .. David McNeill ..David Mitchell . David Paul .. Dave Ruddick ..David Snell ..David Tadd ..and David Warren .. I`lll hazard a guess that the David could be David Paul and that No Name is David Hough  .. both have emailed me this evening from F.U. .... but if this is not correct .. then .....HELP !!!! .. where did I put the Bacardi!! why can`t I go to bed early for a change? .. answers on a 10 bob note please ..