Bath Tec School

Welcome Len Muir

7/26/2009 10:16:31 AM
Hi Len, welcome aboard and I hope you enjoy the site, don,t forget to use skydrive, its your own personel storage and is accessed from the top drop down menu bar under "more", it can contain public or private folders, the site also has its own skydrive accessed from the left menu bar, please update your profile with as much info as you feel comfortable with and a photo would be great


- 7/26/2009 10:33:06 AM
Hi Len,
A second welcome from me .. I have a feeling we two went to South Twerton Junior School, next to the Ascension Church in Claude Avenue .. talking of which .. there was a guy who arrived at the church one day with some Mercury, said mMercury was dropped outside the church entrance .. I seem to remember a great bunch of lads armed with bits of folded paper spent lunch break trying to scoop up the precious metal  . really cool stuff to mess with is Mercury .. lots of swaps went on that day ..I aquired a 500.000 Mark note .. worth about 2p in old money Ha Ha ..
- 7/26/2009 7:13:28 PM
Welcome Len,
I do remember you from school and hope you have some memories to share. This site, thanks mainly to Anth and Bill for starting it, really jogs the old grey cells so I hope you enjoy catching up.