Bath Tec School

A Brand New Start

2/16/2009 5:53:24 PM
Hello Boys, another new page for us to spout forth on, let's hope it proves more accessible than Multiply. Just noticed there's no spell check on here, that's going to show me up considerably. One minor query, are we going to close the Multiply site, or let it die a natural death, or even keep it going.


- 2/16/2009 8:42:00 PM
Hi Stu ,lets keep it going for now and see if we can persuade the present members to join on here,the main thing with MSN is to keep posting as the last website had to be used at least once a month or it would be deleted, their motto was use it or loose it
- 2/17/2009 7:56:17 AM
Hi All, It's up to us then, to keep this site going. We can give it a good shot can't we? I shouldn't worry about a spell check Stu, mine was never up to much so you won't be alone.
I hope lots more from the old MSN site will cross over but there was only ever a few that ever commented. I do miss Dougie and Herbie though. The ramblings of the big man and his search for  Ian "Jethro" Tayler made me smile more than once.
Anyway lads, we've got a quartet at present let's hope we can get the full orchestra !!
- 2/17/2009 9:50:36 PM
Hi Rich ,I have emailed all three with invites and we shall have to see what happens, I miss Dougies ramblings as well.