Bath Tec School

The Pav & The Regency - part 2

9/1/2009 9:44:19 PM
Hello all,
This talk of the Pavillion and the Regency in the 1960 -70s era has prompted me to dig out some paperwork that I have been collecting for many years. Out of the mothballs has come a mottly collection, the digital camera has been put to good use, and the results are in a new photos folder called "Bath the Rock & Roll years". There have got to be more about. Rich, I seem to remember you posted a piccie some years ago of you and your guitar just after leaving school. Wonder if you`ve still got it?
I`m sure I can`t be the only one with 60`s musical memorabelia related to Bath. If you`ve got it, can you flaunt it please.  


- 9/3/2009 8:13:22 AM
Hi Bill and all,
Indeed I do have some photos of me in various bands since leaving school. Some with guitar and some without. If I can dig them out at some point I'll try and put them on, they're good for a laugh if nothing else.
- 9/6/2009 7:45:47 PM
Hi all,
I've added a few piccies of my musical past for you all to laugh at ( I did ), there are more and press cuttings etc but will need to be scanned when I have time. If you're interested that is. There is no chance whatsoever of me uploading any of the singles we recorded for Philips and Decca in the early 70's, your ears would not stand it !!!
- 9/6/2009 9:13:25 PM
AW! c'mon Rich, can't have the pictures without the sounds now can we ? The pics were very, um! 60's I thought, fair play buddy at least you were doin' it.
PS. cider's fermenting nicely.
- 9/6/2009 9:22:40 PM
Yes come on Rich, you can always delete it later.
- 9/7/2009 2:13:58 PM
If I can source the means of tranferring stuff from a cassette tape to my PC I'll have a go, but don't hold your breath. I shouldn't be embarrassed by any of it really it was the late 60's and our 2nd single was Radio 1 record of the week in 1971 and also the Radio Luxembourg Power play..........still didn't sell enough though, sod it !!!