Bath Tec School

Welcome Philip

9/3/2009 8:22:28 PM
A warm welcome to Philip, an old boy from the Weymouth House days, don't forget to add your five eggs to any of our diverse and varied ramblings, we do tend to veer from soapbox philosophy to the delights of cider etc, with a common theme (sic) of train spotting, sorry guys been on the cheap malt again.


- 9/3/2009 10:14:47 PM
Hi Philip and Stu.
Echo your sentiments entirely Stu, warm welcome Philip.
Think you've pretty well got it covered Stu!
Carry on with the cheap malt, if that's what floats your boat. I like to see a man enjoying himself.
Bi for now..........John. 
- 9/4/2009 9:56:54 AM
Hi Stu
Philip who and when?
- 9/4/2009 10:37:38 AM
Hi Steve, I have left Phillip a private message asking him to add his surname to his profile, we shall see what happens, at the moment we have two Andrews and two Davids without surnames and profiles, hows the weather in Spain today?, its bright and windy today in Frome but the temperature is gradually dropping day by day now and we are thinking of our next trip south to get some sun.
- 9/4/2009 12:59:41 PM
Humble apologies guys, Philip did have his surname on his request, as well as his years, being a bit dim I forgot to make a note of both before accepting the request, 'course that info instantly disappeared. I can tell you that Philip was a Weymouth House boy 53 - 59?, and his surname may be Mills and that he came from West Wiltshire.
- 9/4/2009 4:38:52 PM
Still a bit hazy from last night eh Stu, you need to take a leaf out of Johns book and stick to the washing up water (John Smiths) I find I run out of bladder room long before sense.
- 9/4/2009 6:24:41 PM
Tony, I blame it all on the CO-OP, if they hadn't closed down and sold everything with 30% off I wouldn't have got squiffy, problem is I don't have any tolerance at all, I blame my Mrs. she's a bad influence.
Good idea having a standard welcome document.
- 9/4/2009 6:48:59 PM
Yes  I have had to write it out so many times now I can,t think why I did,nt do it before, all we need to do now is copy paste and a bit of edit for the name and its done, pity is that I can,t alter any profiles or add headshots, hope all you guys out there can add some info as it gets a bit confusing sometimes also it would be nice to hear from some of you "lurkers"out there ,you must have something to say.
- 9/7/2009 1:12:54 PM
Hello Philip,
I thought I`d get my welcome in before the conversation goes off centre of what it was supposed to be aimed at. Still we do it a lot on here, go off centre that is...most of us can`t remember which way is up either.!!
Like the copy and paste Tony me-self as well, you know what my eyes are like when they`re good I can spell reasonably well, which is why they`re not good very often. I`ve bought an Oxford Concise Dictionary by the way, one of those £3.50 market stall bargains, now I`ll be able to tell when I get it wrong ..and I`ll know the reason why as wel!!
Anyway, Philip I diverse yet again..hope to speak with you soon..