Bath Tec School

Welcome Ken Sturgess 1954/1959

9/4/2009 3:13:18 PM
Hi Ken and welcome to the site, I see you have joined in your wifes name but you can alter that in your profile, I hope you enjoy the site and read some of the old posts, you can look at old photos and notes by clicking on skydrive on the left hand menu, by the way feel free to add any old photos that you may have to any of the folders there, you also have your own online storage space again called skydrive but this is accessed from the top menu bar under the dropdown menu "MORE" in there you can create and store up to 25 gigs of files, these can be private or public or both depending on how you set your preferences, anyway enjoy the site and I hope you contact someone you knew at the Tech.


- 9/5/2009 12:00:37 AM
Hi Ken.
I see from your details that you were a year above me at the Tech, you must have left the year before the move to Brougham Hayes.
If you roam about the site a bit I'm sure you will pick up on the ramblings about the Weymouth House days. Looking forward to your contributions to our various and sometimes zaney subjects.
Best Regards.
- 9/7/2009 1:01:41 PM
Hello Ken,
Good to make your aquaintance, I see that it`s all been going on whiel I`ve been swanning around the rivers in "chucksbry" (Tewkesbury), Evesham, Stratford etc.
I see Anth Eccles has given you all the low-down on whee the goodies are stored on this site. I`m one of the "younger" members here, a "59-63er".
Catch you later ...