Bath Tec School

Christopher Wiltshire

9/18/2009 7:42:01 PM
Hello Chris, and welcome.
I hope you enjoy the site and read some of the old posts, you can look at old photos and notes by clicking on skydrive on the left hand menu, by the way feel free to add any old photos that you may have to any of the folders there, you also have your own online storage space again called skydrive but this is accessed from the top menu bar under the dropdown menu "MORE" in there you can create and store up to 25 gigs of files, these can be private or public or both depending on how you set your preferences, anyway enjoy the site and I hope you contact someone you knew at the Tech.
Good to see you are up and (still) runnning .. note from your profile that life has had its ups and downs .. you are certainly not alone there. Ask Stu Stickler about hearts, I can tell you a bit about lungs .. and I`m sure that most of us here have had one or two close calls as well. I`ll let you get on with exploring the site, and I`m sure someone will pop along and say hello as well soon.


- 9/18/2009 7:52:52 PM
Hi Chris, nice to have another new face, and a gentleman who's given us a pic and profile, good on ya, hope to see you joining in our general ramblings and the occasional soapbox rant, and I'm sure your interests are going to gel well with all of us regulars.
- 9/18/2009 8:29:41 PM
Hi Chris, welcome to the site, I must say its a change to have someone join and have a profile filled out and with a photo as well unlike some on site, Stu and I have been banging on about filling in some details to members profiles for so long now we have almost given up, anyway I hope you enjoy catching up on the photos and posts and you will join in with the discussions.
- 9/18/2009 10:38:05 PM
Thanks for the welcome!
I thought if I didn't start filling in the profile immediately I never would....strange how other things take over.
bye for now
- 9/19/2009 12:24:48 AM
Hi Chris.
I'd like to add my welcome to all the others, nice to see a new face!
You make me feel guilty now, 'cos you have taken the trouble to paste up a photo. I keep meaning to do it, but don't have too many recent ones, I really must try to dig one out when I get the chance.
Have fun with the site.
- 9/19/2009 11:41:28 AM
Thanks John
i've just been reading some of the recent news and am sad to learn that Mrs Williams is dead. She never taught me...Mr Webb had that honour...but I shared the adolescent fantasies with the rest and remember being party to leaving bits of chalk on the floor in the hope that we would benefit from seeing her bend down!! The only fear was that somehow mr W might learn of our voyeurism....and he could be very physical when required!!!
Amazing what memeories come flooding back once we start.
The only old boys I'm regularly in touch with are Jerry Hurn ("Ernie") and also Rog Tayler who came into the 6th form for Alevels I will ask if they want to join.
Bye for now