Bath Tec School

Mike Williams..

10/15/2009 5:34:17 PM
Dear All - HAving attended the funeral of Mrs Williams last month, I know that Mike was so pleased to receive the email form everyone, and as you know, the vicar read out some of the tributes during his review of Maureen's life.
I have just come back from a holiday in the South of France, and Mike and Maureen holidayed there most years. Anyway, I arranged to meet up with Mike on his way through the area on his way to a holiday with friends in Italy. He ended up staying two nights in a local hotel. We had two lovely meals together, and he reflected on the years at The Tec. He remembers so many of us by name it is incredible. The memories were tremendous!
Mike has located Mr Pappin - sports master - still living in Bath! He suggested maybe a small get together sometime. As he often goes to Bath Rugby, maybe those interested could make it a rugby and drink afternoon.
Will keep web advised and any comments would be great.
Andy Short.


- 10/16/2009 3:08:46 PM
Hi Andrew,
Very grateful for the information.. (Health willing and transport avaialble) I would be most pleased to attend any proposed meeting with our old School Masters, and pupils. I`m sure it will be both informative and entertaining for all concerned.
Look forward to further news (dates etc.)
- 10/17/2009 12:45:54 AM
Hi Andrew.
Nice that you have been in contact with Mike Williams.
I agree with Bill's sentiments entirely, except for the idea of attending rugby, I was never that keen, and feel that having to watch a match all the way through may scroll me nurd! All for the drinks and chat though, sounds very sociable.
Keep us posted of any developments.
Best wishes.