Bath Tec School

Welcome Maggie

11/16/2009 9:25:59 AM

Hi Maggie ( could this be short for Maggs), and welcome I hope you enjoy the site and read some of the old posts, you can look at old photos and notes by clicking on skydrive on the left hand menu, by the way feel free to add any old photos that you may have to any of the folders there, you also have your own online storage space again called skydrive but this is accessed from the top menu bar under the dropdown menu "MORE" in there you can create and store up to 25 gigs of files, these can be private or public or both depending on how you set your preferences, anyway enjoy the site and I hope you contact someone you knew at the Tech.

Please add a headshot to your profile and a full name to make identification easier,the photo headshot is easy to do and can be a recent one or you can download the school photo from your year, make sure you remember where you save it on your hard-drive then click on the blank headshot in your profile and when prompted upload to windows live where you can resize it to just your headshot, this could also be a recent photo on your PC, any problems please ask and any of us will help

 You said on your application "Spent 5 very formative years at the school and still think of Bill Hayman's cane!!"


- 11/16/2009 10:06:10 AM
Ooouch!! .. and welcome to the "mad house" that is considered (by a few) to be the "naughty norm" on here Maggie .. hope you enjoy the company .. Regards. 
- 11/18/2009 12:28:12 AM
Hi Maggie.
Welcome to our happy band, or should that be nutty band?
I guess you've perused the various and assorted entries by now and getting the gist of the atmosphere.
It would be really nice to know if Maggie is a nickname, as Anth said earlier, problem is, we don't know if we should address you as Sir or Ma'am. Hope you will sort us out soon.
Best Regards.
- 11/18/2009 12:45:05 PM
I reckon this could be Peter Thatcher that I contacted in July on "Friends Reunited".. is it he? .... please put us out of (my / our .. delete as appropriate) misery.
P.S. watch out for Parrots .. low flying that is .. Regards.