Bath Tec School

School group photos

2/22/2009 9:59:11 PM
Hi Guys, as promised I have rumaged around in the loft and spent ages sorting through loads of old CDs to find some better quality full width school group photos, they are now in the folder,you may have to wait for the 63 year to load as it is 3.5 meg have fun looking for yourselfs


- 2/24/2009 5:07:16 PM
I think I may have identified a few more on the photo. all counted from the right.
Back Row 31 Steve Pearson
2nd. Row 4 ? Hammond. 13 ? Whittle. 16 Steve Kingston.
3rd. Row 6 Gerry White. 10 Malcolm "Herbie" Buhr.
5th Row 12 David Kerley ? 15 Keith Glossop ?
I've ben searching for Conroy Knapp and Richard Davis but can't find them, any more taxing my brain than that and I start to get a headache.