Bath Tec School

Technical Problem

1/8/2010 7:49:09 PM
Hi guys we seem to have a technical problem with the whats new page as it has,nt updated since the 31 of December, also all your personal profiles only contain your contributions up to the same date. the only way to check that there are any new posts is to bring up the discussion page, if we leave it for a bit MSN will probably sort it in due course.


- 1/8/2010 9:12:45 PM
I reckon it`s the Ghost of Christmas Past come to haunt us ... oooooeeeerrrrr......
- 1/8/2010 10:14:11 PM
I though it was just me Tony and wasn't going to say anything.
- 1/8/2010 10:36:47 PM
Me too, Stu, like you wasn't going to rock the boat!!!!!!
- 1/9/2010 3:20:59 PM
This boat John, what sort is it ? .. can we all get on it? .. are we on frozen water ? ... shall I get out and push? .. can we use it on the sea? .. Guess I`ll just have to get get out  and see which way it`s pointing ... you`re not related to a bloke called Noah are you? ...
- 1/9/2010 6:09:09 PM
Might be a punt Bill, then we could slide it across the ice.
- 1/9/2010 6:40:53 PM
Sorry to mislead guys, but it was a metaphoric boat. Not quite sure what you'd do with one of those!
I like the idea of Stu's punt best!
- 1/10/2010 11:48:51 PM
   I have reported the problem to Microsoft
Your Support Ticket Number: 1122071479
- 1/11/2010 6:58:18 AM
Anth/Tony et al, Microsoft will probably blame the problem on the weather.  I see in UK and Europe the weather is getting the blame for almost everything.  Over here,  where I have just had my second day of 40C, it is similar with Melbourne people being told to go home early or stay at work late because of public transport problems with the heat.  Thats my contribution for Jan so see you in Feb.  Ken   
- 1/11/2010 10:03:40 PM
Hi all.
Thanks for reporting the problem, Anth. You are a braver man than I am Gunga Din.
Whenever I try to report anything it usually turns belly up, don't have much success with these people for some reason.
I usually get my daughter in law to do it, she lashes 'em with her tongue for a bit, cuts better than any knife, it does, and sudenly the problem is solved! 
I hope that Microsoft don't read these gems of wisdom or they will probaby conclude that we are all a bit nutty anyway. Now back to the real world. Has anybody told Parrotty, 'cos she probably knows the answer to the problem. Very intelligent birds, parrots!
Know what you mean about the wether, Ken, gets the blame for most things. It thawed a little today, the temperature was a balmy two degrees C. Unfortunately, now its freezing again and there is more snow forecast fr tomorrow and Wednesday...... Happy days........
For some impression of the conditions see the piccies in 'My village in the snow'.
Have fun all.
- 1/12/2010 7:54:28 AM

Hi guys,this is the latest update on the situation


Hello Anthony,


Thank you for writing back to Windows Live Groups Technical Support. My name is Nadia. I understand that updates, except for the addition of a new member, are not showing up on the What's New section of your "BathTecSchool" Windows Live Group. I appreciate that you have taken the time to write to us regarding this.


I will now be escalating your e-mail to our product specialists for further investigation. They will directly take action on your request and will be contacting you with an update soon. Thank you for providing all the details required.


We appreciate your continued support as we strive to provide you with the highest quality service available. Thank you for using Windows Live Groups.





- 1/12/2010 9:35:18 AM
Hi All,
Yes Sticky did look at your village photographs and they are great. Had another day of 41C today. Outside is like having your wife's hair drier on full bore and aimed straight at your face.  It is now 8.30pm and my little Swiss weather station is showing 32C outside.  It normally cools down a fair bit at night here.  I thought my weather station only went to 40C because it stayed on that temp for 5 hours yesterday but today it got to 41C.  My roses and dahlia's are being water twice a day and still drooping with there leaves starting to fry.   We are suppose to get a cool change tomorrow, we certainly need it.  Hope Nadia is the lady from Microsoft and not Sofia or some like place selling viagra or looking for a partner.  Ken
- 1/12/2010 4:18:59 PM
These days Ken, Nadia more likely to come from Russia or the Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania et al are already part of the EU and they don't need to get married to one of us to gain easy entry into Britain anymore, they just come anyway and sign on!
It's positively balmy here today, at least +3 C, I'm off to the beach to top up the tan, NOT!
- 1/13/2010 1:44:01 AM
Hi all
Been about the same here Stu, but gone cold tonight and snowing heavily again now.
I guess you are probably the same. I was going to say in the same boat, but look what happened last time!
- 1/13/2010 10:20:31 AM
Guys we have had a cool change today, 35C but going down to 15 overnight. Shud have known about the EU and the countries involved. I do read all the Peter Robinson and Ian Rankin books and get to watch the Eurovision Song contest and see plenty of the Bill.  Just not thinking bibi 4 now. Ken (Labour/Labor but not red).  
- 1/13/2010 1:56:06 PM
Timsbury weather staion here ... the snow re-appeared with a vengeance last night. Lots of sticky stuff all over the bushes and trees. Had to get the 30ft pole out and shift it off a tall specimen in the front garden, (branches bend & snap in heavy snow). Everywhere is white and we now have 9in to 1ft on the driveway and gardens. I`ve just put another 100ltrs of oil back into the old tank to keep us going until the thaw.
Rain has now arrived a few minutes ago, yes real heavy rain .. things are melting .. but we have to be careful on the roads still as there is thick ice between the layers of snow. I haven`t seen any boats stranded on the Sleight (tall hill opposite us), so I guess it`s not time for Noah to call on us yet. We have been inundated with Field Fares and Blackbirds since I cleared off the Cotoneaster bush and exposed the berries. Birds are also enjoying the cheese, bread and grain / seeds too.
I was going to take piccys, but I`m going to wait until the sun breaks through, as it will just look bland and very very white. I guess most of you (apart from those in sunnnier climes) are coping o.k. Just had a delivery from Preston (via Bristol) from CPC, guys delivering are having problems with our minor roads. A few hills are considered too unsafe for even 4 wheel drive vehicles at the moment.
I` m sending Carole out for more provisions (well, she said she needs the execrcise and fresh air). She has a new device that connects to the USB port on her laptop, it`s a electronic cigarette. She is trying to wean herself of the dreaded weed. Catch you guys later on ...
- 1/13/2010 7:24:10 PM
Saw an item on the southern news programme on tv this evening - why do Poole and Bournemouth always escape the worst of the weather? It seems to be true enough but I wasn't convinced by the lady forecaster's explanation although she did have nice legs. Fact is I haven't had a decent walk for two weeks until today. Got out on Canford Heath today with friends. See There was some snow and slush up on the heath but the roads to and from were absolutely clear. Signs that the worst of the snow is now past? Fingers crossed.
- 1/13/2010 9:25:58 PM
Electronic fags Bill? well technology seems to have got away from me at last, (secretly it did quite a long time ago), tell Carole the best way is just to stop and go cold turkey, I found that a heart attack is quite a good way to quit, I gave up instantly 4 years ago never looked back.
Snow's largely disappeared today, been quite mild down here, thank goodness, looks OK in pictures but these days I prefer it to be elsewhere.
David, Bournmouth and Poole, like the area directly around Bideford Bay traditionally have the highest average temperatures around the UK, probably explains the lack of snow in both areas, even though we have had some this side, we're north facing, the hills at Saunton on the opposite side to us have been uncovered throughout, got nothing to do with the weather girls legs either, nice distraction from the forecast though!!
Ken, you've got to be a bit careful mentioning the name Peter Robinson at the moment, now I know who you mean, and agree he's a great read, but there's the other Peter Robinson, prominent NI politician, and his 60 year old homophobic, bible quoting wife who's just been outed for having an affair with a 19 year old chef, for anyone who's interested, or as devient as myself, there's a nice parody of Simon and Garfunkels rendering of "Mrs Robinson" on You Tube, I'll try and find the link and post the URL for those interested.
- 1/14/2010 8:34:26 AM
Message from Carole ... she would like you all to know that she has to live with me 24/7 now ... "cold turkey" does not come easy to  a "hot chick" ... even in winter !
- 1/14/2010 11:30:03 AM
Hi guys ,it looks as if MSN have sorted the whats new page, amazing what you take for granted untill its gone.
- 1/14/2010 12:15:09 PM
Thanks for the tip Stu. Did read about it somewhere in the papers.  There is a unwritten law in our Parliament and Senate that what the members and press get up to in their private lives remains private. Of course porn and paedophilia would not be tolerated but sex between consulting adults is not disclosed.  It is not quite as bad or open as the Italian PM Burlo whatever his name is but it does go on.  And lets face it, this sort of thing is happening everywhere in every other workplace so why not in the Houses of Parliament?   We would be idiots if we thought it was not happening.  Oh and glad the technical problems have been solved by Nadia.  Reckon she deserves citizenship for that.  Ken
- 1/14/2010 1:05:47 PM
Hi Ken, must say that I agree with the idea that whoever you are your private life should remain just that, but occasionally there are those who put themselves up to be shot down. This 60 year old woman set herself up as someone with high moral and religious principles and then had an affair with a 19 year old, I suppose there are a lot of women out there thinking "Hmm, welllll"!!!, can't say I blame them after all if the sexes were reversed I doubt there would be quite so much outcry. Anyway I digress, I found the whole incident quite amusing, that includes the reactions of many people, for an extended laugh check this link out,
- 1/15/2010 9:36:26 PM
There`s only one direction to go when you`ve made it to the top Guys .... age knows no boundaries when pride and common sense combine to make stupidity ... wisdom is a pill best taken without alcohol. Not bad tits for a 60 year old though (allegedly) .. can he use her bus pass or share in her heating allowance I ask myself?
- 1/16/2010 4:02:56 AM
Hi guys.
Yep! Another Peter Robison reader, not the one in NI about whom you reveal all the juicy bits Stu. Will admit that I was only vaguely aware of the goings on in that department.
Solved the MSN problem now then Anth....... Good-O.
Not been on lately, been working at Stroke on Trent. Somebody's got to!!!
Very late now, got to go.