Bath Tec School

I want one

2/9/2010 9:00:47 PM


- 2/9/2010 10:12:51 PM
So do I, but what is it Steve?


I should put you out of your misery Steve, you cannot attach a graphic to a message on live .. you can however up load a picture to either your own live site, or our "Skydrive" or "Photos" at this web site .. If you copy what it says in the navigation (web address) bar (where the file is located on the Internet) and paste this http;//etc, etc into your message, then readers will be able to be directed (via this link) to the location on the Internet where your picture is stored.

E.G. try clicking on this link ...  ... it`s the address and name of the first photo in the "odds and ends" photo folder on our Skydrive here. (find it under the School badge - Photos).

As with "ringback" on good old B.T. in the U.K. - "there is normally a charge for this service" .. but as it`s you Steve, have this one on me ..ha ha. .. hope it helps you. P.S. ... for anyone unsure of what "Skydrive" is, it`s just a fancy name for our own online storage space (a.k.a. hard drive in computer speak)

- 2/10/2010 2:21:29 PM
Hello again,
Is this what you want .. what you really, really want? ... click the link please.
- 2/10/2010 5:20:19 PM
Thanks Bill!!!! Good job we have an expert in the school.