Bath Tec School

Bill, help please !!

3/10/2009 11:55:30 AM
Hi Bill, In the school photo of 1964 who is the teacher between "Killer" Keating and Jack Leyshon? Also the one to the right of "Mousey" Maylor? Lastly the one in between Mike Williams and Joe Cannon? I'm sure you'll know or if not someone must !!


- 3/10/2009 12:17:52 PM
I've had a look Rich and can't put a name to any of them.
- 3/10/2009 7:00:52 PM

Don`t know if this is a help or confusion Rich but here goes.


Killer keating to the right is Harry Cosnett? . then right again is jack Leyshon (games)

Mousy Naylor the left is Herr Ault (german) to the right is Jock Frew (history)?

Mike Williams the left is Mr King ( Biology ) on the right is Sid Hingley (music)


That`s the best my memory allows me to do at the moment .. Bill


- 3/10/2009 8:09:39 PM
Thanks Bill, I've had another look and I've come up with the following:- Mervyn ?,Spike Minikin, Pimple King, Mike Williams, ??,Joe Cannon, Mr Hillier, Harry Mower, Jack Cosnett, Jock Frew, Jammy James, Henry Alvis, Wally Hammond, Ray Jones, Bill Hayman, Fred Naylor, Dickie Harbour, Major Webb, Jimmy Edwards, Killier Keating, ??, Jack Leyshon, Elgar Jenkins, John Pappin, ? Moore, Henry Brinkworth, Derek Treaze, Herr Ault, Mousey Mayler, Sammy Seal.
How's that seem ?
- 3/10/2009 8:16:22 PM
I've just thought of the name Crossland in between Keating and Leyshon. I also think the first one is Mervyn Alexander, but I don't think Stan Stennett is there at all.  I think you're right about Sid Hinchcliffe although we didn't have him, but on Freinds Reunited someone says his name is Thompson and that rings no bells at all.