Bath Tec School

Waffle !!!!

5/25/2009 8:09:29 AM
Having been absent for a couple of days I thought it about time I added a little more waffle to the site.
Glad to hear you've returned safe and sound from parts foreign Bill, foreign to us anyway, Dartmoor gets in the way. A good web site to remember for weather forecasts is I use this combined with the Met Office to gat a decent forecast for work. And next time you come to Devon can you come north please, I reckon you were hoggin' all the sun down there 'cos it only appeared when you went home
Had a couple of busy days, bank holiday, sun comes out and I've got boats and tourists coming out of every orifice, total mayhem, still sun's out there's tottie in wet suits again Bill and to cap it all I got a £10 tip on Saturday and a bag of fresh fish yesterday.
Was it Millets the camping shop opposite M&S that you were thinking of Steve, it's all that sun you know addles the brain.
Tony, you probably know this  but if you're off to Blue Anchor the beach area under the cliffs towards Watchet is quite good for collecting fossils, keep the kids busy for a couple of hours, you got to go past the overhang then just keep your eyes peeled, mind the tide though it comes in very quickly. If you don't know it that well it's a nice area to visit, always seemed too close to home but we now spend quite a lot of time in thearea, like a trip on the West Somerset now and again, avoid Minehead though.
Rich rather tha BBQing cockerel, you should make Coq au Vin, or just stew the bugger and drink the Vin eh? and isn't "Brujos" Spanish for sorcerer.
Nice to hear you guys reminiscing about the Locksbrook Road dump/tip, not a place I knew living at the other end of town, didn't have a passport/visa/safe conduct pass for that end of town, even a visit to Vicky Park was an expedition to be arranged weeks in advance in case we couldn't make it there and back in a day. But I guess every area had its piece of waste ground that fulfilled the same purpose, ours was at the back of Claverton Street on a sloping site of derelict allotments, or the occasional foray to Rainbow Woods or Hampton Rocks, at least there was a good downhill race after each of those.
Lets hope Conroy isn't going to be another silent witness, come to that we haven't heard from Mick Little for a while, I suppose he's comfortably esconsed on the verhanda sipping a Mint Julep or the like while being fanned by a punkawallah. Ah well must get prepped for another exciting day at the seaside.


- 5/25/2009 4:58:03 PM
Good evening everybody
Thank you Stu, Millets it was. Anybody else remember Pete working there? 
I'm guessing it's the Bath & West Show this week. Anybody making a visit and doing  a bit of cider tasting? I can remember going; never remember coming back!!!
Weather continues must the same here, hot and sunny. By the way Stu I have downloaded the Clapton/Winwood album "Live at Madison Square Garden". it is excellent and well worth a listen.
I remember Hampton Rocks in the summer, flagon of cider from the Ring of Bells and a young lady on your arm.
- 5/25/2009 8:18:56 PM
Hi Steve,yes the Bath and West is on this week through till Saturday, weather has been good today even though we were due some rain and thunder, it has been very warm and humid.
I was going to say it must be Millets if it was in town, used to be the only place to go for camping gear but now there are so many outlets that we are spoilt for choice.
Rambling through the posts its amazing how many of the lads from the Tec joined the police, they must have all retired now unlike some that have to carry on, must admit I don't do a lot now and some days its hard to think of something to do but the other half soon sorts that out.
Stu, if you want a spell checker that will run with Windows Live and all your other programs try this link, I use it
- 5/25/2009 9:00:47 PM
Seems like we were all cops or robbers!
- 5/25/2009 9:06:42 PM
I plead the fifth.
- 5/25/2009 9:16:03 PM
Peace at last!!!!
- 5/25/2009 9:56:00 PM
You've been lucky Tony, it's been cold and wet here today must be down to the Bath & West being upcoming, thanks for the spell check info I didn't think anyone would notice.
I've heard some of the Clapton Winwood stuff Steve, makes you wonder what Blind Faith might have achieved if they'd stayed together longer doesn't it.
Cider from the Ring of Bells eh! I got barred from there once, called Rosie a theiving old bag after she short changed me, on reflection I suppose I was lucky to walk out, I did regain admittance after a cooling down period, probably just as well 'cos I got barred from the Hat and Feather as well, but we won't go into that. Cider, summer evenings and Hampton Rocks, if you were lucky there were loads of glow worms up there as well, always seemed to add a little to the occasion, if you get my drift.
I could never really work that one out, either join the police force or a motor cycle gang, or both, a number of us seem to have gone down that road, after the bikes it was the Afghan coat, long hair and Dazed and Confused for a bit, until marriage straighten me out, never quite worked out how that happened, one minute it was all Peace and Love Man! the next it was I do, and I have, and will continue to do so, or so I've been told if I know what's good for me.
Waffling again Rich, start of with an idea, then forget what I was on about so talk a load of Pollocks, which incidentely was in the bag of fish I was given yesterday, by a senior member of the Devon & Cornwall Police, "There's something fishy here Chief Inspector", "Pollocks, Sergeant".
Sorry I'll go now.
Yours ineberatedly  Stu
- 5/26/2009 7:38:06 AM
Hi Stu
Is this really the meek and mild Stuart Stickler I knew at Bath tech? Only The Bell and you would have had the Grand Slam!!! Yes, you were lucky to get off the Ringer in one piece after giving verbal to Rosie Meddick, what a character!
I knew the Hat when it was our rugby club H.Q. Many a happy time spent there with landlord Mick McFarlane, a real gentleman. Then it became some drug infused refuge with people called Stuart frequenting it (allegedly).
have a great day, forecast here is for it to be hottest day of year so far. I am going off to sort out my income tax - deep joy!!
- 5/26/2009 9:25:28 AM
I was the transition from those, in retrospect, cosy school days to the rough and tumble of gainful, (allegedly), employment that did it Steve, one minute sweetness and light with the occasional dose of the whack, next minute beaten and battered with the general abuse of being an apprentice, also discovering that females were three dimensional and not just two as portrayed in the pages of Health and Efficency and the like, and to think they used airbrushes!!!!!
Never had any problem at the Bell, access to the back room too!, but my regular was the Parrot Bar, had my own space at the end of the bar and guaranteed service, that was after serving a drinking apprenticeship at the Edinburgh Castle and the York Street Wine Vaults.
As to other matters, no comment! 'cept as a Widcombe boy I should have known better than to badmouth Rosie, the Meddick clan were virtually Widcombe warlords, I remember Burt threw me in the river once, thank god for the Dolphins eh!
Good luck with the tax returns, my Mrs. does mine lazy sod that I am.
- 5/26/2009 3:39:25 PM
Hi Guys,
I must admit to having spent alife of trying to avoid authority ( and the represenative figures thereof) for my early life .. later ..when I discovered that Policeman were after all human ( I use the word with a certain degree of caution), and were in possession of the folding stuff, and a goodly smattering of "contacts" .. these attributes became the catalyst which finally endeared me to them as members of the community .. I can count several DCIs, P.C.s as former clients and associates .. how the worm, has turned eh? .. now, where was I ..oh yes .. back to the real world for a while again .. Hampton Rocks, tents, cannabis ..did I hear you say Cannabis Stu? ..surely not .. very expensive stuff if you are not at work .. which I was, due to my lack of mobility and lack of time spent on motorbikes .. my enforced "retirement" from two/three/four whelled transport meant that I led avery "sheltered" teenag existence .. I had to make do with the "symapthy" vote and plaster signatures from alll the girls I "bumped"/"fell"/into/on etc .. got my fair share of "cannabis" as a result ..I didn`1t look upon it as payment , more my bonus for services rendered .. the glow of youth soon fades .. by the time I was thirty .. affairs were off the cirruculum .. still, I have my memories .. and some very fine ones there are too .. but if I only knew then what I know now , I would have taken more time .. savoured the moment longer .. 
- 5/26/2009 4:19:27 PM
Wham! Bam! Thank Yom Mam! Exhale was it Bill, like Bill Clinton I never inhaled.
- 5/26/2009 4:22:39 PM
Well done Conroy, found the link, good good, completely filled up my incoming page that, as yet I haven't figured out how to get rid of, will add you to my network so you can have a laugh at some of my pics.
- 5/26/2009 5:51:11 PM
Hi All
Now we are cooking on the front burner! Welcome aboard Conrad and thanks for clearing that up about where you lived!! I have struggled with this infernal machine for years and now I am surrounded by IT experts! Look forward to seeing some photos and hearing your memories, probably will start off a whole new memory link.
Stu, I used to spend nearly every Saturday night in the Parrot bar, especially in the rugby season. Good place for the ladies but didn't it get packed? perhaps we could revive some memories of pubs in Bath? I don't think there were any I did not pay a visit!
- 5/26/2009 8:09:54 PM
Sorry, meant Conroy!!!!
- 5/26/2009 8:15:23 PM
Stu,if you like brousing  pictures and vids on the internet and your pc try this program, its a whole new way of looking at links-
- 5/27/2009 8:24:05 AM
Not too much trouble with the Spanish Tax man. He was a bit hesitant about the claim for a second fridge but finally understood it was essential to keep the beer cold. Happy days! Would not accept the Duck house though!!!
Keep smilin'
- 5/27/2009 10:05:56 AM
Morning Guys
I've left the good bit off 'cos it ain't, precipitating small domesticated animals at present, visibility down to zero, probably down to it being the opening day for the Appledore Visual Arts Festival, ( three yurts on the quay selling crap ). It's also the day the tidal bell will be inaugurated, you'll remember me telling you about that, and no it still doesn't work, the only time I've heard it ring is when kids throw stones at it, if it stops raining I might go down just for the amusement value of witnessing the embarrassment of the installing artist in front of a crown of local dignitaries.
Steve I hope your haven't been switching your designated second home to gain maximum allowances, we might have to consider your membership otherwise, and remove the party whip. I do think it rather sad that all this with MP's expenses didn't come out under the last conservative government, considering the "sleaze" that was rampant then, (words carefully chosen), some of the expenses they might have claimed for could have made for hilarious reading.
On the subject of politics I've just joined an organisation - - dedicated to political reform in the UK, 38 degrees being the angle at which avalanches begin to occur. I'm becoming quite politically active as I grow older, too much time on my hands obviously. When I was in infants school my teacher told my mum that I would either be a bishop or PM, well the church is out unless I start my own, so baldy 4 eyed fat git for PM it is then - VOTE FOR STU, YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE - (or should that be sensimillia Bill).
Concerning the reference to cannabis from Mr. Williams, I never touched anything that we reefer to as cannabis, it's a bit like the tidal bell, i.e. doesn't even make a decent bong.
Thanks for the links Tony, they could well prove useful, the spelling one is already. I hope the weather clears up before your trip to Blue Anchor, the forecast for tomorrow onwards is promising, it's only like it today 'cos I've got the day off. Hopefully tomorrow will be better I'm off for a spot of fishing.
I'm amazed by how many of us frequented the same places of entertainment but never bumped into each other, almost unbelievable. Speaking of Bath pubs, do any of you remember the Retreat in Lansdown, somewhere in the Primrose Hill, Sion Hill area, you could only get to it by footpath and the beer was drawn straight from the barrel. it was a nice place to sit in the garden on a summers evening. Also the unlicenced drinking club in a celler under Bladuds Buildings, the entrance was a door under the high pavement on the Paragon, knock twice and wait, drink all night if you wanted.
Waffling again Rich, nothing else to do.